Mine also came with the mor ride king pin and suspension. I agree, I don't think the Mor Ride will raise the trailer at all. Send a e-mail to mor/ryd and ask them, there real good at answering your questions and supplying parts ect.they still stocked parts on hand for my old 1985 and i had the new parts i needed in a couple of days.ġ985 Class A Holiday Rambler Imperial 33 +1979 Class C Holiday Rambler Statesman 1000 = 24 ft George, Juanita and Mandie (boss Shar-Pei) Sure makes a much smoother hauler than the old Jayco was though. Our 5er came with mor-ryde from the factory, don't believe you will see any lift from just the mor-ryde install.
#Pinbox replace flipper series
ThanksĢ006 Country Coach Inspire 360 40ft Genoa Designer Series Cat C9 Samsung 197 RRĪluminum Radiator was recently replaced with a STEEL & COPPER Bolt Together Radiator w/ updated rubber mountings

Just looking at all my options before summer starts. I know I can replace the 4" block with 2". I know I need to get a hitch in and see how far it will drop, I have Timbrens on my 97 and it drops 2 1/2". My old truck gives me 6" on the bed rails. (New truck) and this one sets about 4" taller in the back end.

I dont want to flip the axles, all I'm looking for is about 3". If you have, what was the approximate cost and much did this raise your 5er. Has anyone installed the mor-ryde rubber equalizer suspension system on their 5er. RV.Net Open Roads Forum: Fifth-Wheels: MOR-ryde Open Roads Forum